I loveeeeeed this family. They all had me laughing the entire session! From the genuine laughs to the absolute love they have for one another, I was so honoured to capture this amazing family session. I loved every single bit of their images (Please go check out their gallery under the family tab of my website). I know that I get a lot of people wondering if white is too simple, and let me tell you NO! Okay so that no was a bit dramatic but it’s so true. I love shooting on white because it’s classic, pure, beautiful and honestly can be on display in your home all year! I truly adored this session with this amazing family.
Looking for a family session?
Okay, so if you know me (Or watch my Instagram stories) I LOVE shooting outside. Being with nature is honestly one of my favourite places to be. So when this beautiful mama told me she wanted to go outdoors for her 3rd pregnancy I was jumping for joy *Literally, cue jumping. Let me tell you that we had so much fun, despite the cold October air, her older two sons were free running around and having the time of their lives! I always try to encourage family sessions outdoors if the weather allows for it. Kids are their purest and most joyful selves being free! It had to be one of my favourite images and I immediately knew that it had to make the top images of 2024.
You all had a ton of love for those images on Facebook and Instagram! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture your family in the most beautiful light.
So if you don’t know my unicorn sessions have launched! So make sure to go snag a spot. Okay i’m done with the advertisement! (haha) In all seriousness these sessions are so much fun! We get to pet, ride and feed the unicorn as well as get full access to my studio wardrobe. (waaaaaaa?) No seriously, it’s a little girls dream come true. I know that we have all had this dream of riding a unicorn in a beautiful magical dress! I love these session, but you guys voted this in for top images of 2024! I absolutely love everything about this image. The light, the gown, the tiara and the unicorn. It was such a magical time of day and this little princess did so amazing; I’m so glad that this was a top image of 2024.
Would this be a top 5 if we didn’t have a cake smash photo? Uhhhh no!
So this little lady was AMAZING to work with. She was happy the ENTIRE time and had no issues what so ever with the cake. (Not to say that anyone has issues with the cake, but she LOVED her cake) Her momma had a vision for her cake smash and we made it happen! The colours were cohesive and the props fit perfectly. Now as most of you know i love all cake smashes, honestly they’re my bread and butter. But i truly love the throwback of this one. Huge shoutout to this little ones mama who hand picked this amazing outfit! I couldn’t have imagined anything better for top images of 2024! Keep it groovy little one!
Last but certainly not least this gorgeous maternity session. Now mama wanted it simple but elegant and i think that we did it! I love the love between her and her spouse. The love and the love for the baby came through the lens for sure. Can we take a moment to truly appreciate this mamas gorgeousness ? She is absolutely stunning! Her grace, and love made it so easy to truly photograph her. Amazing job mama!
And those are the top 5 images of 2024! There were so many more families and sessions that i wanted to add and that would have made the top images of 2024 for sure but i truly wanted to take into consideration the love from social media as well as the sessions themselves. I think that ill do another one of these half way through the year because this was so hard but so much fun!
Checkout my other blogs:
Client Wardrobe with Durham Region Photographer
Mini Session & Custom Session