Inexpensive Valentine’s Day Ideas

It’s that time of year again! Valentine’s date ideas!
The day that is all about love; We love to celebrate love over here. I think the last decade Valentine’s day has been focused on showing who you love and how much you love them, and while I love the idea of that, I think that many people have focused more on the present part of Valentine’s day.
So I wanted to put together a couple of ideas for you to show your love without spending a ton of money!

1. Cooking a dinner at home 

This is an age-old tradition and personally a favourite of mine. I love being able to have an intimate dinner with my spouse and just talk, laugh and enjoy. We do have one rule, no cell phones. The best part of this dinner date is that we can cook together, try new recipes together and just enjoy the meal. I suggest looking up something that you both like so you can try something new and work together on it.

2. Plan an experience

This is another good tradition! You can plan an experience that neither of you have done or something that you both enjoy. For example, some fun winter ideas can be; ice skating, tobogganing or going on a nice walk in a park. 

3. Make them an organic gift 

This one has been a favourite of mine! Recently did this idea for Christmas and it was such a hit. I know that it would be so meaningful for a Valentine’s date idea. We made apple sauce, bread, and broth. I found cute jars from the thrift store and presented them adorably. I also find that these types of gifts are way more meaningful. You can also make candles, and bath balms or even write each other a love letter. Truly amazing keepsakes that you can truly focus on each other. 

4. Plan a movie/game night at home

This is a fun one! Head downstairs to where you keep your board games and get to picking! Grab games that bring up good childhood memories, grab fun games and make you both laugh out loud and have fun with it! Heck, you might even learn something about each other. 

5. Book a photography session 

Booking a photography session is so much fun. I’ve seen the last few years that clients have been booking on Valentine day to have memories with each other. I always love to laugh with my clients but I truly love being able to learn about where their love started and about who they are as a couple. 

These are only a few Valentine’s date ideas. I think these keep the price on the lower side but also really connect two as one. I always suggest that phones get turned off and put away, and you soak in the time with your person. The thing that I love about Valentine’s day is that it doesn’t have to be a spouse; you can do this idea with your kids, your best friends or even family members. Valentine’s day is to focus on those you love. I hope you all have fun!

Check out my other blogs:

Homemade Christmas Gifts

Mini Session & Custom Session

5 Gallery wall ideas for your photos

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