Durham Region Magical Unicorn sessions

A little girl riding a unicorn

Durham Region Magical Unicorn sessions

Have you ever thought of all the things that you wanted to do as a child that you could only dream of? Now tell me as a little girl you have never dreamed of wearing a pretty princess gown and riding a unicorn. It was my biggest dream growing up. So without a doubt, I had to offer it to clients. I just wanted to explain why a unicorn session in  Durham Region is so worth the investment. Here is Durham Region Magical Unicorn sessions.


The magical wardrobe

The best part of the unicorn session is the massive gowns and accessories I bring. I have outfits from as young as 1 year up to size 14/16. I provide a huge variety for everyone to be able to find something that they love. I always let clients Know that they are welcome to bring their gowns as well. Along with gowns I also have a huge amount of accessories. From crowns and tiaras to necklaces and angel wings I have all types of things which makes it easier for mom not to worry about. I also bring a pop-up changing tent for easy changes before our session.


Our amazing unicorn is named Dougie!

We have the absolute best unicorn. He is so patient and loves children. Dougie is used to crying, screaming, squealing and all the noises your little one might make. I choose to go with a white horse because I find the colour of Dougie goes best with a variety of colours of gowns.

Dougie loves seeing fed and we will be giving him so treats such as apples, carrots and treats. At all times the trainer (and owner) will be present on and off the unicorn. She hides behind Dougie while holding onto them when they are on Dougie. She will also take the kiddos (Up to 2) for a ride around the grassy area to give them an amazing experience.



Arrival at the unicorn session

Upon arriving my assistant will get you to pick a gown (If you didn’t bring your own) and she will help you pick accessories that best match the outfit you are wearing.  We will give you some basic rules so that everyone is safe and no one gets hurt. I have a pop-up private changing tent that I love to use so you can change it with privacy. I always love to educate my clients that they should arrive about 5 minutes before their scheduled time. I also allow for some extra time just in case it takes time for any children to get used to their new environment.



In conclusion

The unicorn sessions are one of my most popular and favourite sessions to put together each year. It takes a lot of work to put these sessions together and to organize with the farm that I work with, but I adore them. It gives little girls the chance to truly live out the fairytale of their dreams. If you have additional questions please let me know!

Places to purchase cute outfits:


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