Preparing you for a cake smash

7 Tips for your cake smash session


You did it. It’s been almost a year, and along with those celebratory feelings, so sadness is also in there as well. I know the feeling. You’re excited to hit such a huge amazing milestone, but that also means that your baby is getting older, and not that cute newborn that you brought home from the hospital. But let’s focus on the celebratory feelings. You’ve booked your cake smash with your Durham Region Photographer, and now you help preparing you for a cake smash. Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for!

1. Prepare for your smash by gettting a good nights sleep the night before

 I know, I know, this one is kind of cliche, but honestly sooo important! It’s also easier said than done. But trying to keep baby on his/her usual schedule is key. Don’t try to move anything if you can help it and don’t stress! They feel that pressure too

2. Book your cake smash time after their first nap 

This one is crucial. We never want to book a cake smash right after they wake up. The first time they wake up they are usually groggy, or tired if they didn’t get a good nights sleep. Having that extra nap could be key in having an amazing cake smash experience. This gives baby the time they need to truly be rested and hungry 

3. Pick a theme that has meaning to you or baby

There are so many themes that you can choose from, but the best themes are the ones that have some type of connection to not only baby but to family too. I always suggest to my clients that you should pick a theme that best relates babies favourite show or character; (For example ,Blues Clues or The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar)
Another good theme choice can be the nursery or current room theme. Does he have a jungle theme or is her theme royal princess? These are amazing options for a cake smash! Last and certainly not least, family careers have been huge this 2023 season so far! We’ve had themes like basketball (One clients dad played for most of their school career) or soccer players.  I always say that you want to pick a theme that means something to you. That way when you or baby looks back on these, they’ll enjoy these moments and the meaning behind it.

4. Bring a snack to your session that baby loves

I always tell clients to bring a snack for baby. Its a huge help for numerous reasons! Some babies don’t like the feeling or taste of cake, totally normal by the way, but by putting some of those flavoured puff puff snacks behind their cake, it gives the illusion that they are eating cake happily. This is also a way to calm baby down if they get overwhelmed. Familiar snacks they have daily is the best way to centre them and give them something that they know they love. Another reason its important to bring a snack with baby is that most of the time these sessions are right after nap; so having a snack to munch in during the portrait session is a great way to distract their minds; and capture some adorable images.

5. Bring one person with you to your cake smash.

As a Durham Region – Toronto base cake smash photographer, I always tell my clients to bring at least one person with them to their little ones cake smash session. This is a huge help if you get overwhelmed yourself, need someone familiar to talk to during the session, or even to have someone that you know makes them smile (I highly suggest grandma or grandpa) all the time. But please to keep the numbers low, limit the amount of people that you bring. Too many people can cause additional stress on baby and confusion on where to look.

6. Avoid wearing clothes that you care about (That goes for you mom and dad

I always tell my clients that are preparing for their cake smash to not wear heavy clothes, or clothes they care too much about because parents will almost always get a workout during cake smash sessions. Most babies at this age are master crawlers if not runners. So after a few seconds on set, they tend to lose their attention span and run away! Don’t worry, this is completely normal. Although my clients never seem to believe me (haha) here are some phrases i hear. 

“Man I’m sweating after his cake smash session, who knew id be the one getting a workout” 

“If I knew that I would be sweating during her birthday photos, I would have never worked out this morning haha” 

I also warn moms that they should not wear their favourite outfits to cake smashes, as they will get covered in icing that may stain. 

7. Remember to enjoy this sweet moment with your baby

This time will only happen once. Their first cake smash. Take time to enjoy the moment of your baby playing, and smashing the cake. Even if they hate the cake and cry (Some do and its totally normal) capturing crying photos will also be memories in the future. I love the photos of my babies smashing their cakes. Even though they cried; i look back and smile and laugh. capturing these moments are always worth it. 

As always, if you have ever have any questions regarding your cake smash to ask your photographer! I always tell clients that all concerns are valid and important to know then not. It takes time to truly create beautiful unique sets; so booking your little ones cake smash early is always suggested (Around 7-9 months). Don’t forget, print what you want to preserve. 
Preparing you for a cake smash


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